Exhibition of Architectural Design in Developing Countries 2017
Organizers: International Architecture Society(IAS)
Habitat Environment Society of Asia Pacific(HESAP)
Contractor: Shanghai Hanshi Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Theme: Endless creativity
The architectural design of developing countries is full of vigor and vitality, and it is a milestone in the history of world architecture. The purpose of the design of the exhibition is to absorb a most extensive design work. At the same time, the exhibition will maximize the selection and recognition of the designer 's creative work, which will promote the international architectural culture exchange.
Both teachers and students, designers and design enthusiasts can participate in the domestic and foreign design institutions, allowing the individual or team (no more than 5) in the form of competition.
Submission requirements
1. The design work must be located in developing countries, can be built, in the construction or not built in the actual project, it can be a pilot study and discussion or students design work;
2. The design work of the drawing and the content is not limited, but electronic documents should be JPG or PDF format, its resolution should not be less than 100DPI;
3. The design work of the drawings should include a brief description of the design, to assist the work of the design intent and characteristics, the number of characters is not limited, but the language should be the Chinese (traditional, simplified) or English;
4. The competition only accepts electronic documents, and the electronic documents must do not exceed 50M, they must be sent to the e-mail box, SHEJIDAZHAN@163.COM.For the sake of fairness, the registration form is required to send to HES-ASIAPACIFIC@HOTMAIL.COM and ARCHITECTURESOCIETY@OUTLOOK.COM, to back up the registration information;
5. The electronic documents submitted by the participants include: registration form, design work, payment voucher or photo, electronic scan of student ID , electronic scan of the recommendation , the electronic scan of the award certificate ;
6.The deadline of application and payment is December 31, 2017. Submission deadline is January 31, 2018. The organizing committee will award in February 2018.
Works classification
1. Architectural design
2. Urban planning
3. Municipal engineering
4. Landscape
5. Interior design
6. Digital performance
7. Other participants considered relevant classification
1. Best Architectural Design Award (10)
2. Gold Award (30)
3. Silver Award (100)
4. Bronze Award (500)
5. Excellence Award (open-ended)
6. Nomination Award (open-ended)
7. Finalist Award(all work )
Note:The above awards will be issued by IAS,HESAP. The organizing committee is likely to report some of the Best Architectural Design Award works by the Hongkong media, or interview some of the authors, but the specific circumstances need to be notified separately. Gold Award works and Best Architectural Design Award works, will also be collected and issued a collection certificate by HESAP.
The work of the students will share the Gold Award (5), Silver Award (50) and Bronze Award (100), Excellence Award(open-ended), Finalist Award (all work) . In March 2018, "2017 Global Students Design Competition" will award.
Entry fee
1. Entries must pay a small fee. The fee is paid to the contractor. Participants (each entry) in mainland China have to pay 1000 RMB (350 RMB for student work, the student must provide electronic scanning of the student card), participants (each entry) from other countries and regions have to pay U.S.$ 300 (U.S.$ 100 for student work, the student must provide electronic scanning of the student card).
2. Payment (choose one)
Alipay Transfer Alipay account: shejidazhan@163.com
PayPal Transfer PayPal account: hes-asiapacific@hotmail.com
Bank Transfer Account:6212261001044705702 (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Shanghai Hongqiao Hub Branch) Account Name: Yue Qian
Contact us
Official website: HTTP://WWW.ARCHIAWARD.NET
Organizing Committee E-mail: HES-ASIAPACIFIC@HOTMAIL.COM
Submission E-mail: SHEJIDAZHAN@163.COM
1. The copyright of the entries is no doubt to the participants of the work;
2. If there is plagiarism in the entries, the relevant entries will be canceled qualifications;
3. If there are questions about the activity, please send email to HES-ASIAPACIFIC@HOTMAIL.COM;
4. Any attack or damage to this activity will be appealed to the law;
5. The interpretation of the event is to the organizers.
Registration form download address: (please enter any URL)